Prof. Felix Chan
MBBS MRACOG FRANZCOG CGO Advanced Robotic and Laparoscopic pelvic surgeon, certified gynaecological oncologist, and colposcopist.PROFILE
Prof Felix Chan graduated from the University of New South Wales in 1986 with a Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery. After gaining experience in general medicine, surgery, emergency medicine and paediatrics he developed an interest in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. He received the Gold Medal for MRANZCOG examination in 1990 and was admitted to the Westmead Hospital Integrated Training Program.
He was inspired by Prof Alex Crandon and Prof Roger Houghton (professors in gynaecological oncology) and became the first fellow in gynaecological oncology at the hospital. He has a keen interest in developing and applying surgery in this exciting field of medicine. In 1996 he spent his fellowship at King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth, where he developed a keen interest in defining the role of laparoscopic surgery in gynaecological oncology. He had the opportunity to work with Prof Anthony J McCartney, Prof Ian Hammond, and Prof Yee Leung, and in 1997 he had the pleasure to work with Prof J Shepherd in St Bartholomew's Hospital, Royal Marsden and Royal London Hospitals in the UK. He gained proficiency and expertise in gynaecological surgery after attending a master class with D Queuleu, D D’argent (France) and Prof John Monaghan (UK). Prof Chan worked as Director in Gynaecological Oncology at Liverpool Hospital (since 1998), treating women with gynaecological malignancies across the west zone of the Southwest Sydney Area Health Service. He was also co-jointed lecturer for the University of NSW in O&G and A/Prof at University of Western Sydney, involved in teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. He was a training supervisor for Liverpool Integrated Training Program, and has appointments at Westmead Private, Sydney Adventist, Macquarie University, and Liverpool Private Hospitals. He was also nominated for Australasian of the year in 2009, 2011 and 2012.
Prof Chan's research interests surround the role of surgery in the treatment of gynaecological malignancy. He is a pioneering surgeon in robotic surgery in Australia. In relation to oncological surgery, Prof Chan's interests are in radical hysterectomy, radical pelvic sidewall dissection, assessment & removal of adnexal mass, staging & surgical treatment of gynaecological cancer, radical vulvectomy, inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy, pelvic & para-aortic lymphadenectomy, radical tumour debulking for ovarian cancer, en bloc resection of sigmoid-rectum, and small bowel resection & reanastomosis. Other interests include assessment & management of women with abnormal pap smears, laser therapy for genital dysplasia, assessment & management of women with familial cancer syndrome, treatment of primary & recurrent genital repair, laparoscopic pelvic floor repair and sacrocolpopexy with mesh, treatment of advanced pelvic endometriosis, laparoscopic tubal reversal, laparoscopic removal of uterine fibroids, laparoscopic removal of pelvic mass, surgical treatment of genital fistula, and reconstructive vaginal & vulval surgery.
- ANZGOG (Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group)
- IGCS (International Gynecologic Cancer Society)
- RANZCOG (Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists)
- ASGO (Australian Society of Gynaecologic Oncologists)
- AGES (Australasian Gynaecological Endoscopy and Surgery Society)
- AAGL (American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists)
- University of Western Sydney
- Macquarie University Hospital
- Mater Hospital Sydney (St Vincent’s Health Care)
- Sydney Southwest Private Hospital
- Westmead Private Hospital (Ramsay Health Care)